Tuesday 16 February 2016

yoga tips for fat burn

Beat Your Body's Fat Traps With Yoga

Lose weight faster and keep it off—with this 6-week breakthrough plan that derails your hunger and supercharges your workouts


Easy-Does-It Exercise

When it comes to workouts that fight hunger, less may be better—at least in the beginning. In a Louisiana State University study, researchers discovered that overweight women who did an average of 60 minutes of easy exercise 3 times a week lost less weight than expected based on their calorie burn, probably because they ate more, says Tim Church, MD, PhD, director of the Laboratory of Preventive Medicine at Louisiana State University's Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Those who did an average of 25 or 45 minutes of exercise 3 times a week dropped more weight, showing that they did not compensate for their workouts.
That's why our 6-week plan (below) starts with short, moderate-intensity workouts. Then you'll build up to longer, more vigorous routines to help keep pounds off over the long haul. You'll also practice yoga for weight loss which has been shown to diminish binge eating by 51%. Experts suspect that yoga may help by increasing body awareness, so you're more sensitive to feeling full and less likely to mindlessly stuff yourself.

Curb-Your-Appetite Yoga

This flowing yoga routine was developed by Laura Madden, a yoga instructor and fitness director of the Scottsdale Resort and Athletic Club in Arizona. Hold each pose for 3 to 5 breaths, unless otherwise directed.
1. Warrior II
Stand tall with feet together. Take a large step to right. Bend right knee into a lunge, right knee over ankle and toes pointing to right; point left foot forward. Extend arms out to sides.
2. Side Reach
From Warrior II, rest right forearm on thigh and reach left arm overhead, lengthening spine.
3. Plank
From Side Reach, place hands on floor, one on either side of right foot. Move right foot back next to left one. Hands should be directly beneath shoulders; body in a straight line from head to heels.
4. Downward-facing Dog
From Plank, reach hips upward, bending body into an upside-down V. Press heels toward floor.
5. Cobra
From Downward-Facing Dog, bend knees and lower body to floor. With hands under shoulders, lift chest off floor. Keep shoulders down. Press palms, hips, and tops of feet into floor.
Repeat Moves 1 through 5:
From Cobra, press up onto knees, then feet. Roll up one vertebra at a time so head comes up last as you stand. Repeat series, lunging to left for Moves 1 and 2. Once you've completed all 5 moves, Finish with moves 6 and 7.
6. Tree Pose
Place left foot against right calf or inner thigh, not knee. Lift rib cage to elongate spine, and bring hands to prayer position. Hold, then repeat with opposite leg.
7. Goddess Pose
Lie with soles of feet together and as close to hips as comfortably possible, stretching inner thighs. If this is too intense, straighten legs. Breathe deeply in this pose for 2 to 5 minutes.


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